Jenn’s class sequencing is meditation through movement. A dancer since childhood, Jenn builds each practice much like a ballet class — beginning with stabilizing techniques and moving into intelligent flow.

Jenn utilizes her deep knowledge of anatomy and movement to push each student into new discoveries of flexibility, strength and self. You will leave her classes feeling aligned and open both physically and mentally.

Find Playlists for all of Jenn's classes on Spotify jenncperry

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  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 10/24/2022

    Take a deep dive into your practice with co-owner and founder, Jennifer Perry.

    Jenn will guide you intelligently through her sequence surprise you with her peak pose (or two!) Be sure to grab the props listed in the class description for your practice!

    PROPS: 2 Blocks, a Yoga Strap and wall sp...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 11/28/2022

    Take a deep dive into your practice with co-owner and founder, Jennifer Perry.

    Jenn will intelligently guide you through her sequence and surprise you with her peak pose (or two!) Be sure to grab the props listed below for your practice!

    PROPS: 2 Blocks and a Yoga Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Op...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 12/05/2022

    Take a deep dive into your practice with co-owner and founder, Jennifer Perry.

    Jenn will intelligently guide you through her sequence and surprise you with her peak pose (or two!) Be sure to grab the props listed below for your practice!

    PROPS: 2 Blocks and 1 or 2 Blankets

    ROAM’s version of an...


    A perfect class for organizing the body after the holidays and aligning the mind for the new year.

    Class originally taught on 12/02/2021.

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition...


    Every move is intentional in this continuous flow. With "intention" as a theme, Jenn moves us intelligently into deep backbends.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks, a long Yoga Strap, 2 Blankets or 1 Bolster

    Class from 10/30/2021

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for...


    This sweet flow works everything together to build strength and mobility in the shoulders while simultaneously opening the hips.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks and a Yoga Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow conc...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 07/28

    This is a core intensive, twisting flow, integrating work in the entire body.

    PROPS - 2 Blocks and a Yoga Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous ...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 08/13/2020

    This core intensive flow will get you prepped and ready to flip it all upside down and into this class' peak pose of Handstand.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks and a Yoga Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concep...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 07/02/2020

    A bit of a throwback to the first class in our outdoor studio. Jenn creates a challenging sequence that peaks with Eka Pada Galavasana, "flying pigeon" pose. Work the core, open the hips and strengthen the upper body.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] cla...


    Jenn gets creative with props in this class from Thursday, 06/17/2021. Get grounded and strong in this Stability Flow, and it wouldn't be a Jenn class without lots of CORE.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks and a Theraband or yoga strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO ...


    Jenn works everything as she preps us for Pincha Mayurasana, or forearm stand. Engage intense focus, strengthen the arms and shoulders, activate the core (our favorite!) and flip everything upside down in this incredible pose.

    Props - 2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 03/16/2021

    Jenn focuses on maintaining a state of flow/presence of mind as she takes us on a sequence of opening the inner thighs through external rotation and firming the outer hip.

    Props -- 2 blocks

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic ...


    Continue work in the upper body, opening the chest and finding more strength and mobility in the shoulders. Engage through core work. Strengthen, prepare and protect the shoulders in this integrated class.

    Props - 2 Blocks and a Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] clas...


    Explore a new approach to the traditional flow with this intense journey into hip work with Jenn.

    Props - 2 Blocks

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous...


    In this level 2 class, we will focus on shoulders and hips while opening the upper back through twisting.

    Props -- 2 Blocks and a Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition i...


    Move through an intense flow with JENN PERRY as she takes you on a core focused course without any fluff.

    Get out of the yoga rut and challenge yourself physically and mentally! Let go of the expectations of how things "usually" are. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and into the burn ...

  • JENN SHORT+SWEET - 01/11/2021

    Take a ROAM 60/75/90 minute class, compress it into a 25-40 minute format and what do you have - something that's SHORT+SWEET!

    These classes are designed for those that a short on time, but still want all the sweetness that comes from traditional ROAM classes.

    Props -- 2 blocks, 1 blanket


    Wake up the core and build heat in this quick 30 minute flow with Jenn.

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks (A Strap is suggested but not necessary)

    Take a ROAM 60/75/90 minute class, compress it into a 25-40 minute format and what do you have - something that's SHORT+SWEET!

    These classes are designed for those...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 02/02/2021

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous postures linked together.

    Teachers make sure to offer a wide variation of poses making this class accessible to bot...

  • JENN LEVEL 2 - 01/14/2021

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous postures linked together.

    Teachers make sure to offer a wide variation of poses making this class accessible to bot...

  • JENN LEVEL TWO - 03/24

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous postures linked together.

    Teachers make sure to offer a wide variation of poses making this class accessible to bot...

  • JENN LEVEL TWO - 03/26

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous postures linked together.

    Teachers make sure to offer a wide variation of poses making this class accessible to bot...

  • JENN LEVEL TWO - 03/30

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is for those who have a basic understanding of Flow concepts and how to transition in and out of numerous postures linked together.

    Teachers make sure to offer a wide variation of poses making this class accessible to bot...

  • JENN LEVEL TWO - 03/31

    Get synched up with this intense Core Flow. Jenn begins with grounding breath work and moves into creative Core work that will leave you feeling "snatched." (Jenn's words. ;) )

    PROPS -- 2 Blocks, a Blanket and a Strap

    ROAM’s version of an Open Level [Intermediate/Advanced] class - LEVEL TWO is ...